Hiking boots and high heels.

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Redding, California | Nainen Hae A Miestä

Perus Informaatio

Osaan puhua
Kuvailisin itseäni
I balance non-profit volunteer work with staying active. Staying active means I am out on the lake swimming or kayaking, backpacking, hiking, biking-, winter skiing and snowshoeing. Summer months are busy with road trips with my bike and kayak strapped to my car and my backpack in the back seat, visiting national parks and areas unknown to me - making the magic, staying healthy mentally and physically and staying ahead of the age thing by remaining active and true to my passions - just wish I could share what I do with a partner. I am not one to fret over unexpected change, my glass is most often 98% full -.I am comfortably retired, positive, active, odd sense of humor and easily laugh at myself, out-going, as comfortable in formal settings as I am with hiking boots and a pack on my back, passionate, romantic, love to cook, love to dance, love to laugh. I have two outstanding sons that I am close to - no partners and no grandchildren yet. Email if you are interested. Michelle

Ulkonäkö ja Tilanne

Vartalonmallini on
Pituuteni on
5' 6 (1.68 m)
Etninen taustani on
Aviosäätyni on
Minulla on lapsia
Kyllä - Ei kotona
Haluan lapsia
Minulla on yksi tai kaksi tällaista
Ei lemmikeitä
Olen valmis muuttamaan

Lisää tietoa hänen

Mitä etsit tältä sivustolta?


Koulutukseni taso on
Korkeakoulu tutkinto
Työllisyys tilanteeni on
Koulutus / Akateeminen
Työ tittelini on
Kaikki on rauhallista


Yläasteella olin
Sosiaalinen käyttäytymiseni
Sivustaseuraaja, Ystävällinen, Flirttaileva, Aina menossa
Kiinnostuksen kohteet ja Harrastukseni ovat
Perhe, Lukeminen, Oppiminen, Musiikki, Elokuvat, Tanssiminen, Teatteri, Matkustaminen, Puutarhanhoito, Telttailu, Vapaaehtoistoiminta
Käsitykseni mukavasta ajanvietteestä on
Kavereiden kanssa hengailu, Uusien asioiden kokeilu, Rentoutuminen, Kirjan Lukeminen, Konserttiin meneminen, Museossa käyminen
Unelma treffini olisivat
Outside. Maybe a hike? Kayaking on the lake? Or just a walk and dinner.
Olen aina halunnut kokeilla
I have always wanted to summit Mt. Shasta. I've tried twice. The first time my partner developed altitude sickness and we turned back. The second time a hail/snow storm moved in and we never left lake Helen. I am game for one more attempt. Third time is the charm as the saying goes. Parachuting is another experience I want to do as well.
Kaverini kuvailevat minun olevan
Ystävällinen, Flirtti


Uskontoni on
Hengellinen mutta ei uskonnollinen
Minun tapainen huumori on
Ystävällinen, Hassu


Kun menen elokuviin, lähden katsomaan
Komedia, Draama, Dokumentti, Perhe
Kun kuuntelen musiikkia, kuuntelen aina
Country musiikki, Rock musiikki, Klassinen, Blues musiikki, Jazz musiikki, Reggae musiikki
Kun luen, luen aina
Uutiset, Antologia, Elämänkerta, Liiketoiminta, Klassinen, Historia, Koti & Puutarha, Mysteeri, Luonto, Runous
Käsitykseni hauskanpidosta on
My idea of having fun is dancing in the kitchen with my honey, cooking with music on and dancing while I cook, watching the sunrise with a fresh cup of coffee in my hands, making love outside in the dark, travel, riding my bike fast down a mountain, dancing slow to my favorite band, riding my horse for hours in the mountains, backpacking high in the mountains, smelling the air after a recent rain storm or snow fall, kayaking on a new lake I recently discovered, dancing, dancing, dancing, river rafting with my son's, cooking and eating good food with someone I love, building a fire in the fireplace, wearing formal wear and attending a concert,Opera or a play, snowshoeing or skiing when the air is so cold I can hardly breath but I am warm in side, dogsledding in the Yukon and watching the Northern lights (I have done this), putting a jigsaw puzzle together, hiking new and different places, still being able to carry a back pack on my back and sleeping out under the stars with the man I love, planting flowers and a vegetable garden, driving fast the windows down , riding on the back of a motorcycle and going fast like the wind, running my horse and feeling the wind in my hair, sharing all of this with someone that cares about me and is comfortable with my presence. Fun is getting flowers for my kitchen table and lighting candles for dinner even if we are eating canned soup, making my own magic, swimming in a clear cool lake, swimming down a set of river rapids feet first, skiing with my sons, fun is hanging with my sons, fun is spending quality time with friends and family. Fun is being alive and appreciating and enjoying every single moment - especially fun is sharing life with people I love.


Mikä sinua vetää puoleensa?
Nokkela, Flirttaileva, Spontaanisuus, Kaljuus, Herkkyys, Empatia, Hyvät taidot, Huumori, Hyvä ulkonäkö, Ajattelevaisuus, Viisaus
Mitä etsit?
I am attracted to a man that is confident and comfortable in his own skin, someone that is intelligent, romantic, a communicator, athletic and an outdoorsman but also likes to dress well and is comfortable maneuvering through crowds and cities/travel. I am attracted to a man that is gracious, kind to all human beings and animals, loving, honest, responsible and not afraid to say he made a mistake or hold himself accountable. Some one that is not afraid to try something new, even at our age. Someone that respects and loves me and is comfortable when I live and practice the same standards and passions. Someone that stands beside me. This is a complicated question - I may have to come back to this because we all want the same but somehow wants and needs get tangled up with reality and life. I am not a drama queen and I am not attracted to drama. Calm, peaceful, respectful communication is critical.
Minkälaista suhdetta etsit?
Intiimi, Sitoutunut